What is Hypnotherapy?

What is Hypnotherapy?

By Karen Branch, Certified Hypnotherapist

Hypnosis . . . for some the very word still conjures up the image of a mysterious figure in a black cape swinging a chained watch before mesmerized subjects’ eyes! Even today, misconceptions about hypnosis abound. With new clients, dispelling the myths around hypnosis is an important starting point. Contrary to those old perceptions, hypnosis will not cause you to bark like a dog, succumb to another’s power over you, or do or say anything you would not normally do.

So, what is hypnosis and the practice of hypnotherapy? Hypnosis is a very safe, natural state of mind that allows you to tap into more of your mind and begin using it to achieve benefits you desire. While in hypnosis, you are deeply relaxed, while at the same time focused and alert. This facilitates communication with your subconscious mind, enabling you to reprogram habit patterns, fear & phobias, limitations and blockages and so much more.

It is estimated that most people only use approximately 12% of the mind’s real capacity. This percentage represents the conscious, intellectual mind. The other 88% is the powerhouse lying in the subconscious mind. This portion of the mind is emotional, subjective and conditioned by experiences and habits patters from the past. It is motivated by just two things: the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. It’s the area of the brain where the “fight or flight” response lives. The good news is the subconscious mind is very suggestible and responds beautifully to new ideas, images and suggestions, enabling you to make positive changes in your life!

It’s very easy to enter the state of mind known as hypnosis. In fact, you are in a similar state twice a day, every day of your life – just as you are falling off to sleep at night or awakening in the morning. In hypnosis, it is as if you hit the “pause button” between awake and asleep. It’s all based on brain wave activity. Science divides our mind into four categories based on brain wave cycles per second. Beta is wide awake, Delta is deep sleep. In between wide awake and deep sleep are Alpha and Theta, the states associated with deep relaxation, meditation and hypnosis. Just entering into these states regularly promotes peace, well-being and even healing.

Modern hypnotherapy can be applied to many different areas of life. Most commonly, it is known as an excellent method to quit smoking or lose weight. And it can be utilized for so much more. With almost anything you would like to change or improve in your life, hypnosis can be a powerful tool for helping you to reach your goals!

Karen Branch has been a Certified Hypnotherapist in the Atlanta area since 1985. She is the owner of New Attitudes Hypnosis which has helped hundreds of people tap into the power of their subconscious minds and reach their goals. She may be reached at 770-232-9970 or visit her website at www.NewAttitudeHypnosis.com.

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