The challenge though, is on tapping into these selfhypnotic states and on infusing the goals and missions we want to achieve. The potential for positive change is only limited by the extent of your preparation. How you format your own growth formulas will determine the level of your success. What separates a GREAT self hypnosis experience from a GOOD one is the amount of self-imposed lessons we absorb. In same respect, the measure of a GREAT hypnotherapy session is how it effectively prods the user to learn from the home study course.
In this light, I’ve put in here a step-by-step guide from clinical hypnosis pioneer, Dr. Brian Alman. Derived from Dr. Alman’s hypnotherapy home study course, these minor tips helped a lot in creating a meaningful and learning selfhypnosis experience.
1. Write down what you’d like to say to yourself, from beginning to end. You may want to write out a script for your own selfhypnosis. You can develop your own personal combination that you are comfortable with. Experiment.
2. Write out several different kinds of suggestions for each goal.
3. Develop some material for using visualization and imagery. Such suggestions could guide you to a quiet, relaxed setting and blend in some metaphors for changes that you wish to make. For example: “With my eyes closed, I can picture an open meadow in the mountains … similar to the one I saw on my vacation last year. I may be able to feel the warmth of the sun on my face as I lie relaxed in the grass and watch the leaves fall slowly from the trees … Those leaves falling can remind me of how I can let go of old problems and worries … and let them fall away from me … just as the old leaves fall from the trees to make room for new growth … new changes.”
4. You can imagine going down some steps in order to deepen your trance-state. Visualize yourself going down in an elevator or floating down a stream or river, and the farther down you move, the more relaxed and the deeper into your self-hypnosis you can go. If you feel more comfortable and get better results by imagining moving up an escalator or river, then feel free to direct yourself in that manner.
5. You can include any number of varied suggestions toward whatever goal you wish to work on. However, try to work on only one or two specific goals per trance session. With more than that, your efforts will become diluted and less effective. But you can give yourself many different suggestions toward the same goal. For a goal of more concentration in a sport, you could include suggestions for before, during, and after play.
6. It may be soothing and relaxing to record some background music along with your suggestions. You might want to experiment with metronome ticking or any other sound that you can use as a focus for your concentration and attention.
7. Toward the end of your trance, always include some suggestions for reentering self-hypnosis the next time you practice. For example: “I know that the benefit I get from this trance experience is a positive, healthy experience, and any time I wish to enter this quality of time, all I need to do is relax in a comfortable position, take several deep breaths, and imagine a warm pleasant color (or any cue that reminds you of the relaxation of self-hypnosis). Whenever I take several deep breaths and imagine that color … I will notice that I can return quickly and easily to this deep level of relaxation and comfort.”
8. If you’re going to tape record the script, speak at a pace that begins in your normal tone of voice and at a relaxed speed. As you progress with the recording, slow your pace and soften the tone of your voice slightly, if you can. By the time your tape concludes, you may be speaking in a much slower cadence and much more softly than when you began. This will provide an audio cue for you to slow down and relax as you enter selfhypnosis regardless of which technique you use.
These tips are actual pointers Dr. Alman himself follows in his own line of hypnotherapy home study course programs. Those of you familiar with his hypnosis materials should recognize Dr. Alman’s style in these reminders.
The goal is always the same however, regardless of whatever hypnosis home study course you’re using. Growth is something you can’t have at a snap of a finger, even in a dozen. It’s acquired thru meaningful experiences and learning opportunities: both of which can be found in a decent hypnosis home study course.
Jerico Gonzales is just a random guy lucky enough to discover body and mind wellness thru hypnosis home study course and hypnosis and hypnotherapy training.