A [ Hand is Therapy – Seven EFT (emotional freedom technique) version of acupuncture without the needles sensation. Natural energy balance of our body our body to use certain meridian. EFT helps to overcome limiting beliefs, stress, anxiety, anger, doubt, boredom, guilt, desire, and many other economies. Geirikureigu founder said, “It can often run anything,” he said. Since the study of electronic payments in 2006, I was surprised with the results my clients and work effectively.
This is
These seven reasons, EFT at:
1 /> to.
EFT is simple, please take a few minutes to learn. How to download or you can find many online video tutorials you can easily – free electronic payment to the official site Geirikureigu manual.
2 it. All you need to use a simple
EFT using your finger tips is a simple script and a few minutes. Comfortable amount of pressure in one of its own, because it hurt your hands, it’s your body too.
is a friendly 3. It only takes a few minutes to take a few minutes each round of EFT /> to
4 it. Take it and go somewhere where you can easily get the EFT /> to
5 thereof.
Various EFT can be used in a variety of problems. Addiction, lust, anger management for weight loss, beliefs, anxiety, emotional problems, limiting the issue, public speaking, self esteem issues, control of pain, guilt, forgiveness, stress the use and anxiety, fear and athletic performance.
6 thereof. Help other reason
EFT is the most important, so you can learn to help people. Family and friends will love the quick results or client. EFT can be learned easily in a few minutes just for you.
7 thereof. Validity of the results of the major EFT /> to
better to have puzzled wonder