How Do Hypnotherapy and Tft Work so Fast?


When it comes to relieving stress, anxiety, fears and phobias, there are treatments that are medical and there are treatments that are alternative. The medical treatments offer the huge possibility of side effects and only work in a small sector of the population for an extended period of time. On the other hand, hypnotherapy when combined with TFT, offers quick results in as little as a few minutes, in some cases, and the results are lasting without the chance of side effects.


At the heart of TFT, or thought field therapy, are taps to the skin. These taps are manipulated on certain areas of the body where negative thoughts and feelings rise to the surface. When battling with anxiety, stress, fears and phobias, these negative feelings rise to the surface and are tapped out to balance the Qi. But, in order for TFT to work, the patient must first know the source of the negative feelings.


This need for a source is where hypnotherapy comes into play. When TFT is utilized for a patient, they must be thinking about the source of their anxiety, stress, fear or phobia. If that source is unknown, the negative feelings can not rise to the surface and the treatment will be ineffective. Hypnotherapy opens these minds wide through hypnosis to allow the hypnotherapist to find the source of the negative feelings of anxiety, stress, fear or phobia. Once that source is located, the hypnotherapist is able to speak with the patient about the source and thus provide the needed knowledge to bring the negative feelings to the surface.


Once the negative feelings are on the surface of the body, the TFT specialist can tap out the feelings and bring the Qi back into focus. This can take mere minutes and the patient will leave the combination session with the relief they have been searching for, for so very long without a medical prescription and a thesis on side effects.


The tapping takes place at what are termed meridian points. These meridian points are located on the upper sections of the body and the hands. Only those trained in the specialized TFT will know the exact locations of these meridian points and be able to effectively treat anxiety, stress, fear and phobias in minutes. While there may be many doctors who claim to be trained in TFT or other therapies based upon tapping on certain points of the body, only Roger Callahan (the founder of TFT) offers the true TFT training.


Many patients simply do not understand the alternative therapies available for them today and the methods by which these therapies provide such quick and lasting relief. When it comes to anxiety, stress, fear and phobias, the source feelings are very strong. Anyone who has been in a stressful situation understands how strong these feelings can be by the body’s quick reaction to the feelings. This strength of emotion is at the heart of the quick treatment. Unlike other patient complaints, anxiety, stress, fear and phobias are the most easily treated due to the sheer power of the emotions surrounding the patient. Once they have tuned in to these feelings the TFT methods will work quickly to smooth out the negative Qi and balance the flow for the better.


When all other therapies have failed, or you simply want to try an alternative therapy before taking the chance on the medical treatments will thousands of side effects, the combination hypnotherapy / TFT session can move those negative feelings out of the body in minutes, not weeks or months and the therapies are all natural and lasting.

Terry Doherty works all over the UK working extensively with individual and business clients helping them to stop smoking, manage weight, manage stress, become more confident and help create generative change. Terry uses the latest techniques of hypnosis, NLP and life coaching skills for profound change. Contact him at

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