Frequently Asked Questions


The origins of hypnosis are probably as old as mankind. There are many myths and misunderstandings about hypnosis which have now been replaced with proven, scientific understandings of the science. In today’s world, modern hypnosis is now commonly used in many fields, including: mainstream medicine, dental work, law enforcement, sports, and education.

Many people simply do not understand the highly effective and positive outcomes that can be achieved in a professionally controlled hypnosis session.

So as to remove some of the myths and misunderstandings of this science, below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about hypnosis.

How does hypnosis work?

It is known that our minds function on two distinct levels – the conscious and the unconscious. All of our daily rational actions relate to the conscious mind whilst the unconscious mind is responsible for all our habitual responses. When in a state of deep relaxation or ‘trance’, it is possible to effectively communicate directly with this unconscious part of our mind. Through this process it is possible to make rapid change in the way the subconscious ‘controls’ old unwanted behaviors.

Will hypnosis work for me?

In general, any normal person can be ‘hypnotised’. People with very low IQs or with severe mental disorders may not respond well to this approach.

How will I know if I am hypnotised?

Most people imagine being hypnotised to be something like they have seen on stage shows on the TV. Stage hypnosis and hypnosis used in therapy are completely different.

For most people, being ‘hypnotised’ feels similar to being deeply relaxed. Some people feel very light and some feel very alert. What is common to all, is the positive difference they feel having experienced the therapy.

Is hypnosis safe?

Hypnosis is totally safe. You are completely aware and fully in control throughout the whole session. Hypnosis does mean that you will enter into a state of sleep, in fact, hypnosis does not work if a person is asleep. Also, it is not possible to become “stuck” in hypnosis. A therapist cannot make anyone do anything that is against their will or moral values. The whole experience of hypnosis is enjoyable, empowering and relaxing and through the experience you learn how to re-enter that state any time you desire.

Why is hypnosis safe?

Hypnosis has the lowest cost insurance premium of all therapies because it is 100% medically safe (AMA/BMA 1950’s).

How many sessions will I need?

For many common problems like smoking and phobias, it is possible to release these in one session. Naturally, this will depend upon the individual factors which have created the issue and the nature of the underlying problems and patterns. More commonly, for many emotional-based problems, issues of confidence building, weight release and matters relating to stress, anxiety and panic attacks, these will usually require a basic commitment of possibly 3 to 5 sessions to ensure that the positive change is consolidated and long-lasting.

If you have any questions that are not covered by the above, please feel free to contact Peter via the Contact Page