One of the many reasons why EFT is an effective weapon against public speaking phobia is that, unlike other therapy methods out there, EFT aims to get rid of the trigger. Teachers and speech communication coaches bother themselves with learning and teaching more skills to their students who have problems with speaking in public. This only leads to more confusion and puts more pressure, causing the students to become more afraid of speaking in public than ever. EFT for public speaking does not require the knowledge of public speaking skills, which makes it a convenient solution.
Practitioners of EFT for public speaking normally recommend undergoing three sessions, from the basic to the advanced, for a more effective treatment. You can find courses on the Internet, but personal attendance in real-life venues is suggested. The basic course is a great option for people who are interested in self-help or would like to work with family and friends and for people who would like to become therapists or are already in practice but would like to improve their skills. No experience in EFT is required since the course will serve as the foundation; it is simply a beginner’s course.
The EFT for public speaking basic course will allow you to learn what you need to know in order to work on a vast range of issues. Naturally, you will be taught the background and history of EFT to understand what it’s really all about. EFT puts emphasis on the body’s energies and how disruptions are the primary factors for a number of health problems suffered by the mind and body. More often than not, the reason why people fear speaking in public is a history of humiliation. You might have suffered from a traumatic moment related to public speaking long ago or just recently, and now your memory haunts you and cripples you from recovery. EFT helps correct this destructive effect so you can speak in public without worry or fear. Another reason why you are afraid of speaking in public is probably a variety of misconceptions, such as the how making a mistake is bad and can kill your reputation. Sometimes, fear of the fear itself is more dangerous because your mind tends to close out reason. The procedures of EFT are effective in finding and wiping out these misconceptions.
No More Fear – Eliminate Your Public Speaking Fear, EFT is so profoundly relaxing and mood changing therapy,To find out how EFT could help you make use of this free downloadable eft DVDs and eft training materials guides available.
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